Gravity Series Click on Image to see the full Series.
THE GRAVITY SERIES : Are mostly oil paintings on canvas that are vibrant colourful abstract works that are based around the concept of gravity and its effect on oil paint as it is poured in a sequential way, they were produced in the years 2001 to 2008. These paintings are multi layered self contained works process driven and retain a truthfulness to materials paint on canvas, surface / support, non illusionist or representational except being objects in their own right. They explore the physicality and luminosity of the paint itself, colour can often reference the natural world we live in for example Blue equates with water sky, the colour Red to fire / blood etc and some of the paintings can be seen to reference landscape or reflections in water viewed through a many layered surface. There is a performative element in the making of the paintings and because artist oil paint is being used which can take a long time to dry between layers of different colour paints a history is embedded in the surface of the paintings.
THE GRAVITY SERIES : Are mostly oil paintings on canvas that are vibrant colourful abstract works that are based around the concept of gravity and its effect on oil paint as it is poured in a sequential way, they were produced in the years 2001 to 2008. These paintings are multi layered self contained works process driven and retain a truthfulness to materials paint on canvas, surface / support, non illusionist or representational except being objects in their own right. They explore the physicality and luminosity of the paint itself, colour can often reference the natural world we live in for example Blue equates with water sky, the colour Red to fire / blood etc and some of the paintings can be seen to reference landscape or reflections in water viewed through a many layered surface. There is a performative element in the making of the paintings and because artist oil paint is being used which can take a long time to dry between layers of different colour paints a history is embedded in the surface of the paintings.

Surface Support Paintings : Oil on canvas.
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